Swap Institute I

To the best of my knowledge, the Swap Institute was created by the wonderful captioneer over at some-tg-caps.blogspot.com so I thought I might give it a go :P

Also, I know I've done a bit of posting without much explaining, but I would like all of you to know that I have in fact "landed on my feet" as it were, and while I did not end up staying with my roommates as I intended, the money you all so generously donated went a long way to getting me where I am now, which is a much better place, so thank you all so much for that!

Also, has anyone been able to contact Loki Trickster or even get on her site recently (lokiscaptions.com)? I've not been able to for a number of weeks now and I'm getting a little worried. If anyone knows anything please let me know!

Stay debaucherous, darlings! ;)

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